No matter what type of business or industry you are in we provide merchant services and payment processing solutions that are affordable, cost effective and state of the art for your business and industry. 


We are a company dedicated to providing seamless transparent credit card transaction processing solutions for merchants at the least possible costs. 


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to see how we can help your 

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East Commerce Solutions is a merchant services company providing retail, restaurant and mobile payment processing solutions. We provide your business with the best merchant services and credit card processing solutions in the industry.


Our Expertise and Key Service Areas

Credit Card Processing

We will provide your business with the best credit card processing services in the industry. We are a full merchant services provider with over 26 years of industry experience.

We will provide you with a full array of products and services to maximize sales and increase your profits.

POS Systems

Established in 2008, WriteTouch POS, a division of East Commerce Solutions, has been providing POS solutions customized for your business. 

Our systems will automate and streamline your operations, to reduce your costs, increase productivity and boost your bottom line. Restaurant, Retail or Hybrid - We have as solution for you

Payroll Processing


Like most growing businesses, you’re probably facing the challenges associated with increased payroll responsibilities, as well as, keeping up-to-date with HR and tax compliance regulations. These additional obligations may represent substantial obstacles as your business continues to grow.


What Our Clients Say About Us?